Arizona from Up Above

I don't see the earth from 30,000 feet everyday, so when I take a plane ride I like to look for different patterns in the landscape. On a recent trip to Arizona I photographed these mountains while on my plane ride back home. As soon as I saw the landscape I knew I had a short opportunity to try and capture the interesting lines and details on the ground below me before my opportunity had past. I like to photograph in color but with a hazy view out a dirty airplane window muted the colors so I was already pre-visualizing in black and white.

Fuji X-T2, 1/250 @ f/7.1, ISO 250, 18-55mm 

Fuji X-T2, 1/250 @ f/7.1, ISO 250, 18-55mm 

Fuji X-T2, 1/250 @ f/6.4, ISO 500, 18-55mm

Fuji X-T2, 1/250 @ f/6.4, ISO 500, 18-55mm